Deeplex® HelP

Deeplex® HelP

Innovative Diagnostic Solution
for Helicobacter pylori infections

Powered by GenoScreen

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Deeplex HelP

Deeplex HelP: the cutting-edge solution for H. pylori

Deeplex HelP is a culture-free targeted-based deep sequencing assay, for strain type identification, virulence and antibiotic resistance prediction of H. pylori. The test, developed by GenoScreen, is the only prognostic and diagnostic test designed to prevent diseases associated with H. pylori infection based on next-generation sequencing.





targets for strain type identification


targets for virulence prediction


from clinical samples to results

Deeplex HelP


  • Deeplex Master Mix: single PCR mix for amplification of H. pylori drug resistance-associated gene targets combined with targets for species identification and virulence prediction.
  • Internal control for in-sample quality control.
  • Positive control for test validation.
  • Automated analysis via GenoScreen proprietary secure pipeline.

the technical note

H. pylori, a global threat

H. pylori infection is a global health issue, causing stomach ulcers, gastritis and cancer. This bacterium affects about 50% of the world’s population, with varying prevalence across geographical regions. The risk of developing diseases associated with H. pylori depends on multiple factors but global health authorities estimate that, of the people infected worldwide, 660 million people (15%) will develop peptic ulcers and 66 million (1.5%) will develop stomach cancer.

Antibiotic resistance is the major cause of H. pylori treatment failures and the WHO classifies H. pylori as a priority antibiotic-resistant pathogen. To overcome this challenge, established guidelines recommend that H. pylori treatment be guided by the local antibiotic resistance prevalence. Deeplex HelP is a powerful tool to easily test for antibiotic resistance allowing the selection of optimal treatment regimens minimising the emergence of antimicrobial resistance.

Prevent gastric inflammation and ulceries

The pathogenicity and treatability of H. pylori are dependent on a complex interplay between various factors, among which bacterial characteristics such as strain identity, strain virulence and antibiotic resistance.

Traditional methods (PCR, LPA…) are unable to accurately detect all these factors. Moreover H. pylori culture is time-consuming, fastidious and costly. With Deeplex HelP, clinicians can have access to H. pylori strain identity, virulence and antibiotic resistance without the need for culture and in a single assay, facilitating guided therapy thus reducing the risk of treatment failure and preventing complications such as gastric cancer.

Deeplex HelP
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