The Power of DNA

for Accurate Diagnosis

Powered by GenoScreen

Tackle Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance

Infectious diseases are a major global health problem, accounting for one in five deaths worldwide and a quarter of the annual global disease burden (in terms of years of life lost due to premature mortality or physical disabilities).

Get Clinically Actionable Information from Microbial DNA

Deeplex® engineering combines deep multi-target DNA sequencing, automated bioinformatic analysis and easy reporting for microbial identification and extensive detection of drug resistance.

Powerful Solutions for Clinicians and Researchers

By overcoming major limitations of conventional phenotypic and molecular testing, Deeplex® products represent novel powerful solutions for improving the clinical management and the monitoring of drug resistant infectious diseases.




The Deeplex® engineering is a next-generation sequencing based technology, developed by GenoScreen, for accurate characterization of specific pathogens and prediction of their antimicrobial resistance.

This technology provides clinicians and researchers with extensive information to tackle major infectious diseases worldwide.

Tackle infectious diseases - Antimicrobial resistance prediction

Information on bacterial identification and strain genotype

Gene or genomic region targeted by Deeplex amplification

Drug associated with the gene target

Identified mutations are noticed in red if associated with antimicrobial resistance

Limit of detection and target coverage

Key results at first glance

Get a clear overview of each sample, the Deeplex map visually links antibiotics to genomic regions for rapid and straightforward interpretation.

All detected mutations are mapped for precise identification and extensive prediction of resistance profiles.

Tackle infectious diseases - Antimicrobial resistance prediction

Resistotype: summary of antibiotic resistance prediction

Example of a Deeplex Myc-TB map and its associated resistotype.

Green: No sequence variants identified or variants known not to be linked with antimcrobial resistance.

Red: Identification of one or several variants associated with resistance. The Deeplex map is a registered design.

A streamlined workflow

Tackle infectious diseases - Antimicrobial resistance prediction

Sample preparation including DNA extraction from clinical samples or cultured isolates. This step differs depending on the bacteria and the matrix.

Tackle infectious diseases - Antimicrobial resistance prediction

Single multiplex PCR for amplification of target gene regions (e.g. for identification, detection of resistance-associated mutations, virulence markers…) within the bacterial genome.

Tackle infectious diseases - Antimicrobial resistance prediction

DNA library preparation and deep amplicon sequencing.

Tackle infectious diseases - Antimicrobial resistance prediction

Automated analysis of the sequencing data via secure GenoScreen pipelines.

Tackle infectious diseases - Antimicrobial resistance prediction

Clear, easy-to-interpret results and reports. No bioinformatics skills required.

Discover our applications


Deeplex Myc-TB


Deeplex Myc-Lep

Helicobacter pylori

Deeplex HelP

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